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Während sich der Hofstaat versammelt, gerät auch HERO mit den Massen in das Schloß, erblickt dort Trivia - Augenkontakt, Sorcerer besitzergreifend hinter ihr, ein Mann aus der Masse flüstert Hero die Geschichte ins Ohr, vielleicht sollte man hier noch zum allgemeinen Verständnis ein Rezitativ einbauen, Hero überlegt, und scheint eine Idee zu haben. - FANFARE - Auftritt King Smash, auf Rollschuhen:

KING SMASH : Hey brothers and sisters, listen to me, I´m number one of this kingdom, yessiree, and there´s good reason, why I´m on the top, because I´m overqualified for that job: You need to have some things, if you wanna be the king, the most important is, that you got that swing, second is, man, you have to be cool, third is: water for the swimming pool. You need a palace, lots of servants and a rollerskate rink, you need a rolls and a caddy, all in pink, and you need that stuff to buy all this, honey - MONEY MONEY MONEY
Chor: King Smash - got no cash, it´s no joke, this man is broke
All: Flash crash grab the cash, flash crash grab the cash - grab the cash !
KING SMASH: You see every king´s got his own faible, King Arthur for instance, he dug round tables, big King Kong was mad about blondes, and I love spending bills and bonds. It´s not, that I care for some coins and papers, I only need them to finance my capers, so the simple secret of the plot : If I have a dime, I put it in a slot. So I bend and spend and follow every trend, no matter what the price is, honey, all I yearn, all I burn for is - MONEY MONEY MONEY
Chor: King Smash - got no cash, it´s no joke, this man is broke
All: Flash crash grab the cash, flash crash grab the cash

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